Life Is Strange True Colors Review: What About Alex?

Alex is a character who has been the subject of much speculation and discussion. This review will explore what we know about him, and whether or not he is a good character to have in the game.

The life is strange true colors alex voice actor is a review of the game, Life Is Strange. The reviewer talks about the characters and their voices in the game.

When your brother has recently died, you’ve relocated to a new location, and your life has been a complete disaster for years, you may be looking for some solace.

Alex Chen, a troubled empath, does not have that luxury until she arrives at Haven Springs, Colorado. When individuals are overcome by strong emotions, she has the capacity to hear their thoughts and even experience what they’re experiencing and how they perceive the world. Deck Nine, on the other hand, is in charge of fixing everyone’s issues, regardless of how she feels about it.

On paper, it has the potential for a moving, deep reflection on what it means to mourn, since it is a tremendous weight put on someone from a broken upbringing. However, Life Is Strange: True Colors is more concerned with just portraying unpleasant feelings and calling it a day than with analyzing them. True Colors is a lovely game in many ways, but its unexpectedly superficial approach to emotional healing and uneven growth mean it often contradicts itself and falls short of its full promise.

What About Alex in Life Is Strange True Colors?


Alex was born into a dysfunctional household and was placed in foster care at an early age. Gabe, Alex’s brother, has made a life for himself in Haven Springs and asks her to live with him once he locates her.

True Colors’ opening chapter is one of the most powerful in the story. You witness an Alex who is unsure of himself, avoiding eye contact, debating whether or not to express love, and trying to cope with the overwhelming aspect of being in a new location with new people.

Deck Nine concealed (too well, in some instances) lots of new clues about Alex and Gabe’s father in her phone messages and diary, allowing her to put together the sad tale of her childhood.

It’s probably difficult to care for Alex or want the best for her at that moment. She’s one of the most fascinating and well-developed characters in video games, and seeing her grow closer to Gabe and understand that she, too, deserves a happy existence is one of the most moving scenes I’ve ever seen.

It’s also where the characters of Haven Springs come to life the most, at least until the game’s conclusion. For example, forest ranger Ryan expresses real care for Alex, while Steph from earlier Life Is Strange episodes is flirtatious and entertaining. It’s a hopeful start to a new chapter in one’s life.

That, of course, does not last. Gabe dying isn’t a spoiler since Deck Nine makes it a big part of True Colors’ marketing. That’s when both Alex and the game take a turn for the worst.


True Colors is meant to be about Alex and empathy, but after the first chapter, her growth, as well as everyone else’s, takes a fall. “What about Alex?” was nearly usually my response throughout the second and third chapters. Ryan is heartbroken at Gabe’s death. So, how about Alex? Because he was her closest friend, Steph needs consolation. So, how about Alex? 

No one thinks about the orphan girl who has no friends and has just lost her sole family member after relocating. Even Alex remains silent about it, which is an unusual choice. For a significant portion of the game, she is reduced to a psychic Mary Poppins, fluttering about town fixing issues and (mainly) attempting to make people happy.

In Chapter 2, there’s even a scene when everyone abandons Alex at Gabe’s wake. Alex takes consolation from the bright feelings people experience as they watch her kind act of love drift away in the wind — which is wonderful, since she doesn’t seem to be receiving any emotional fulfillment or healing else.

In some ways, I understand. Alex wants to make the most of her new home, so she offers her assistance whenever she can. In these times, it’s almost as if Deck Nine forgot they built an emotionally complex character who has needs and should be cared for.

Although it’s never quite as simple as “you give me one emotional advantage, I offer you a day of tranquility in Haven Springs,” the transactional aspect of the town makes it seem less like a welcoming new home. It’s also not on purpose. Haven Springs is such an excessively romanticized little town that there is never any risk of not fitting in.


Only during one of True Colors’ Zen Moments do we get a sense of Alex’s emotions. Alex just stops to ponder and take in the surroundings as one of True Colors’ licensed songs plays in the background during these wonderfully difficult moments. The lovely aspect is self-evident, but the frustration comes from the realization of what might have been. Because True Colors refuses to give Alex the time and space she needs to focus on her own feelings and the drastic changes in her life, these are the only times Alex can do so. And it’s not like every Zen moment allows her to do so.

Deck Nine seems to be undecided about the narrative it wants to convey. It’s a murder mystery, a slice of life, a homecoming, a family tale, and a story of self-acceptance. True Colors is meant to be about empathy, yet it takes a superficial approach to emotions and healing in general.

The majority of major scenes begin with someone experiencing a significant emotion. Alex knows why she utilizes her gift. Then, depending on what Alex has learnt, you select something to say, and the feeling fades. It makes sense in certain situations, such as when Alex eliminates the cause of someone’s anxiety. In other cases, it’s almost absurdly simplistic, with a nice game of foosball or a gentle recall of a dead goose tale resolving the issue and allowing us to go on.

True Colors doesn’t have to be miserable, and everyone copes with loss in their own unique manner. But, if it’s going to deal with serious subjects like mourning with any level of maturity, it has to show a real dedication to dealing with these problems beyond a few of emotional moments before they fade away. Trauma and sorrow don’t go away after a single poignant moment. They linger, unpredictably and often in an unpleasant manner. Treating them carelessly, as True Colors often does, may do more damage than benefit.


Catharsis requires more than simply witnessing a problem you’re familiar with. True Colors’ emotional problems have no genuine tension or release since Deck Nine doesn’t accomplish anything significant with them — or anything at all, for that matter.

The side tales are the greatest at demonstrating this, and they always leave me asking, “What am I meant to do with this?” Take Eleanor, the flower store owner, as an example from the beginning.

Eleanor is suffering from early-to-middle-stage dementia, but no one realizes it until Alex arrives. You’re thrown into Eleanor’s sorrow and must assist her retrace her steps so she recalls something essential, then choose between being honest or lying about something else she forgot, neither of which has positive outcomes.

You may either inform Riley about it or let her go to college at the end of it all. It’s a predatory play on people’s emotions, one that takes a terrible situation and shoves it in your face, saying, “Look, isn’t this sad?” “Don’t you feel things?” he asks, a little cocky about having addressed a “big issue.”

Even the most crucial decisions you make have little impact on how things turn out, and determining the “correct” response is, for the most part, straightforward. Alex’s authority adds no levels of depth or intrigue to True Colors’ proceedings, which doesn’t help. It’s just a new button to push.

True Colors, in summary, required more time and thinking, which is a pity. I wanted to like Haven Springs, and I did – when it was willing to let me. There are so many places and objects to investigate that it’s nearly overwhelming, with Alex offering funny or insightful comments on even the most basic things.


Her connections with Ryan and Steph (and everyone else, for that matter) are nearly entirely based on background text messages that provide insight into their everyday lives. The majority of it, too, skims the surface. None of their connections are very deep, and both romance choices wind up seeming pretty wooden.

True Colors would be totally fine and even anticipated if it were simply a slice-of-life or mystery game. These details, as well as the antics they get up to, are carefully considered. Despite the fact that no one is given much room to grow, I found myself enjoying Haven Springs’ flawed, eccentric residents, due in large part to a series of excellent voice acting performances, particularly from Alex’s actress, Erika Mori.

It’s a place you’d want to spend some time in, and we did. True Colors would have been closer to saying something important about relationships anyway if Deck Nine had focused more on developing the relationships rather than trying to make big statements about emotions and connectivity — statements True Colors is in no way equipped to handle — the ironic thing is that True Colors would have been closer to saying something important about relationships anyway if Deck Nine had focused more on developing the relationships instead of trying to make big statements about emotions and connectivity — statements True Colors is in no way equipped to handle.

At least as long as someone remembered to check on Alex.

The Bottom Line in Life Is Strange True Colors



  • With a lot of information
  • Alex is an amazing character.
  • Excellent performances
  • Zen moments are both touching and lovely.


  • A clumsy effort to deal with strong emotions and difficult subjects.
  • After the first chapter, the character development slows down.
  • Because of the dual emphasis, no aspect receives the growth it requires.
  • At times, it borders on emotional manipulation.
  • Alex’s ability is gimmicky and contributes nothing to the game.

Although Life is Strange: True Colors has mature characters, it’s clear that the series as a whole is still maturing. Deck Nine makes an attempt, but ultimately fails, to convey a narrative about emotional recovery.

At worst, it handles tough subjects with a casual callousness that indicates it doesn’t know how to cope with these feelings in the first place, much less convey a meaningful narrative about healing and moving on.

[Note: The copy of Life Is Strange: True Colors used for this review was supplied by Square Enix.]

The life is strange true colors review metacritic is a video game developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Square Enix. It’s the sequel to Life Is Strange, which was released in 2015.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Alexs power Life is Strange?

Alexs power is the ability to rewind time.

How many endings does Life is strange true colors have?

Life is strange has three endings.

Is Life Is Strange True Colors good reddit?

Life Is Strange True Colors is a good game.

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